
Many people want to read and study the Bible but don’t know where to start, or when they do read it, they don’t connect how the events, people, and places fit together and quickly lose interest. And some don’t wholeheartedly believe what the Bible says. In the Encounter the 3D Bible Course, you’ll learn the story behind the stories of the Bible, which will breathe new life and understanding into what you are reading. 
After completing this course, you will better understand:
➤ The world of the Bible (including the cultural and historical context in which it was written)
➤ The story that connects the beginning of the Bible to the end
➤ God’s purpose for creating the nation of Israel
➤ God’s character—and how it is consistent in the Old and New Testaments 
➤ How true and accurate the Bible is

Plus, you’ll receive insight and tips on how to read the Bible so it comes to life.