Three seasoned experts in the field of Jewish-Christian relations teach this course: Dr. Susan Michael, Dr. Marvin Wilson, and Dr. Brad Young. Together they provide a unique, in-depth understanding of the Jewish context of Jesus and the early church, an overview of the history of Jewish-Christian relations, and the current state of this critical relationship.

Upon completing this course, you will have a rich appreciation of the roots of the Christian faith, a heightened awareness of the progress made toward strengthening Jewish-Christian relations—and why we must continue cultivating meaningful dialogue between Christians and Jews.

Dr. Susan Michael

Often called upon to address complex and sensitive issues such as antisemitism, Jewish-Christian relations, and the biblical basis for Christian support of Israel to a diverse range of audiences, ICEJ USA Director Susan Michael was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Laws by Piedmont International University
in 2018.

Dr. Marvin Wilson

Marv Wilson has taught Old Testament, Hebrew, and Jewish Studies at Gordon since 1971. Previously, he taught for eight years at Barrington College. Dr. Wilson has published two widely used textbooks: Our Father Abraham: Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith (Eerdmans) and its sequel, Exploring Our Hebraic Heritage: A Christian Theology of Roots and Renewal (Eerdmans).

Dr. Brad Young

Brad H. Young, Ph.D. is the founder and President of the Gospel Research Foundation, Inc. Residing in Tulsa, OK, Dr. Young is professor emeritus of the Graduate School of Theology at Oral Roberts University (ORU) where he served as a Tenured Professor of Judaic-Christian Studies teaching Bible and theology for 31 years.